Quickstart Guide for qsarKit

Welcome to the Quickstart Guide for qsarKit! This guide aims to help new users get started with qsarKit by providing a brief overview, detailed installation instructions, and a simple example to demonstrate basic usage.

What is qsarKit?

qsarKit is a Python package designed for robust predictive modeling using Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) analysis. It is tailored for researchers and health professionals working with environmental contaminants in breast milk. Developed by Professor Nadia Tahiri’s team, qsarKit integrates multiple predictive models and offers tools for synthetic data generation using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

Basic Usage

Once you have installed and activated your qsarKit environment, you are ready to use the package. qsarKit offers flexible ways to utilize its functionalities: you can either run the package as a complete pipeline or use its individual functionalities by importing each module.

Running the Complete Pipeline

To execute the entire pipeline, including preprocessing, data augmentation, model training/optimization, and prediction, you can use a single command. This approach is useful for users who wish to apply the standard workflow with minimal setup:

python main.py --config ridge_model.yaml --output results/

In this example, ridge_model.yaml should contain all the necessary configurations for each step of the pipeline. The results of each step will be saved in the results/ directory.

The advantages of running the full pipeline include simplicity and the assurance that all steps are executed in the correct order. However, this method provides less flexibility compared to running each step individually.

Using Package Functionalities Individually

In addition to running the complete qsarKit pipeline, users can leverage the package’s modular design to use individual functionalities. This approach provides greater flexibility and allows integration with other data processing or analysis workflows.

Data Extraction and Preprocessing

Start by extracting and preprocessing your dataset. Use the Extractor and PreprocessingPipeline classes for these tasks:

from qsar.utils.extractor import Extractor
from qsar.preprocessing.custom_preprocessing import PreprocessingPipeline
import pandas as pd

# Configuration for data extraction
datasets_config = {
    'full_train': 'path/to/full_train_dataset.csv',
    'full_test': 'path/to/full_test_dataset.csv'
target_column = 'desired_target_column'

# Extract data
extractor = Extractor(datasets_config)
df_full = pd.concat([extractor.get_df("full_train"), extractor.get_df("full_test")])

# Preprocess data
preprocessing = PreprocessingPipeline(target=target_column, variance_threshold=0.0, cols_to_ignore=[], verbose=False, threshold=0.9)
pipeline = preprocessing.get_pipeline()
df_processed = pipeline.fit_transform(df_full)

Cross-validation and Model Evaluation

Perform cross-validation and evaluate model performance using the CrossValidator class:

from qsar.utils.cross_validator import CrossValidator
from qsar.utils.visualizer import Visualizer

# Setup cross-validation and visualization
cross_validator = CrossValidator(df_processed)
visualizer = Visualizer()

# Create cross-validation folds
X_list, y_list, df, y, n_folds = cross_validator.create_cv_folds()
visualizer.display_cv_folds(df, y, n_folds)

Model Training and Hyperparameter Optimization

Dynamically load machine learning models, optimize their hyperparameters, and train them:

from qsar.utils.hyperparameter_optimizer import HyperParameterOptimizer
from qsar.utils import get_class_from_path

# Define model configurations
models_config = [
    {'name': 'ridge', 'hyperparameters': {...}},
    # Add more models as needed

# Dynamically load and optimize models
for model_config in models_config:
    model_name = model_config['name']
    model_class = get_class_from_path("qsar.models." + model_name, model_name.capitalize() + "Model")
    model_instance = model_class()

    # Optimize model
    optimizer = HyperParameterOptimizer(model=model_instance, data=df_processed, direction='maximize', trials=100)
    study = optimizer.optimize()

    # Set best hyperparameters
    best_params = study.best_params

    # Evaluate model performance
    R2, CV, custom_cv, Q2 = cross_validator.evaluate_model_performance(model_instance, X_list, y_list)
    visualizer.display_model_performance(model_name, R2, CV, custom_cv, Q2)

Remember, this is just a guideline. You should adapt the code examples to fit your specific datasets, models, and requirements. The qsarKit package is designed to be modular, offering flexibility for diverse QSAR modeling needs.

This approach allows you to customize each step of the pipeline according to your needs. You can modify the configurations, substitute modules, or integrate qsarKit’s functionalities into larger systems.

For further examples and detailed instructions on how to use each module, refer to the tutorials included with the package. The tutorials provide comprehensive guides on each component of qsarKit, helping you to understand and utilize the full potential of the package.

Further Resources

Thank you for choosing qsarKit for your QSAR predictive modeling needs. We hope this guide helps you get started smoothly.